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Sessão Participativa: Colaboração, Transformação e Inovação

​É uma sessão colaborativa, integrativa e divertida para construir novas conexões e criar novo conhecimento. Todos são palestrantes e participantes. Uma sessão onde a sala é mais inteligente do que o mais inteligente na sala.

Gian Zelada

É especialista em tecnologias educacionais, facilitador gráfico e de Design Thinking.

Maria Fernanda Costa

É facilitadora de processos de diálogo, inovação & mudança, aprendizagem organizacional, desenvolvimento de times e liderança consciente. Docente no Programa Internacional de Práticas Colaborativas e Dialógicas do ICCP e Programa Essencial da SBGC.Desde 2016 responsável voluntária pelo processo de mudança organizacional e de cultura da Liga Solidária.
Mestre em Psicologia Social (IP-USP/2005), Administradora de Empresas (FAAP/1984) com pós-graduação em Marketing (FGV-SP/1990) e especializações em Desenvolvimento Organizacional (Adigo), Appreciative Inquiry (Case Western) e Coordenação de Grupos Operativos (Instituto Pichon Rivière). Certificada em Biologia Cultural por Humberto Maturana e Ximena D’ávila em 2010.


Fernando Fukunaga

Um entusiasta de novas formas de gestão e de metodologias de ensino na economia do conhecimento. É Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Pontifícia Universidade de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Recebeu o titulo de Mestre em Administração (PUC-SP-2015) e o Bacharelado em Administração de Empresas em 2001. Seus interesses de pesquisa incluem gestão do conhecimento, inovação e cultura organizacional. É Editor Associado da Revista Pensamento & Realidade com temas nas áreas de administração, economia, ciências sociais . Atualmente é diretor-presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Gestão do Conhecimento, Community Manager da Comunidade de Práticas de Maturidade em Gestão do Conhecimento e Inovação, e Coordenador do Comitê de Programa da KM Brasil 2020. Atuou em projetos de consultoria e pesquisa em gestão do conhecimento e cultura organizacional em grandes empresas, tais como, SABESP, CCEE, Tribunal Federal da 1ª Região, Metrô SP, Institutos Senai de Inovação, Promon Engenharia, entre outros.

Dr. André Felipe Henriques Librantz

Doutor em Ciências com 20 anos de docência no ensino superior e 13 anos como Diretor de Stricto Sensu nas áreas de Informática e Engenharia.

André Portalis

Diretor Presidente da ICN – Itaguaí Construções Navais, graduado em Engenharia pela École Centrale de Lyon (França), possui mais de 30 anos de experiência na área Naval. Foi Diretor Executivo da Naval Group, atuando na negociação e gestão do contrato de transferência de tecnologia e construção dos submarinos do Prosub (Programa de Desenvolvimento de Submarinos da Marinha do Brasil). Foi também Diretor de Fábrica, de Produção, Engenharia e de grandes projetos internacionais. Foi engenheiro e arquiteto do Sistema de Armas de Dissuasão dos submarinos nucleares francês SNLE (Toulon). Na DGA – MINDEF (Delegação Geral para o Armamento do Ministro da Defesa – França) exerceu o cargo de Conselheiro do Gabinete de Delegado Geral para o Armamento.

14h-15h30  - Destruição construtiva: o que você fará para moldar o futuro da Gestão do Conhecimento?

​Covid blindsided organisations the world over. People, processes and systems must adapt because we will never bounce back, but we must bounce forward.

Signals from industry observers show that KM initiatives are still struggling to deliver stakeholder impact and value. It is no longer good enough to be talking about changing Knowledge Management because it has been drifting for too long. The time has come to punctuate the equilibrium, to unflatten our thinking and transform Knowledge Management into a high-performing, high-impact value-creating influence in our organisations.

Knowledge Management needs to learn to be agile if it is to survive and thrive in a post-Covid world. To do this, people, processes and systems must have the ability to deliver meaningful value over time. Success starts with Knowledge Managers driven to unflatten their thinking to redefine what KM means and how it delivers impact and results, not only for today but for the future.

Dr David Griffiths brings experience from over 125 engagements across 17 countries to challenge your thinking about what it means to collaborate, transform and innovate your KM practice.

David will critically challenge traditional Knowledge Management practice. He will also be sharing his 4x4x4 approach for auditing KM initiatives, particularly the ability to move knowledge to action, focusing on FAIRR reporting. Finally, he will share case examples of how you can look at KM practice through fresh eyes to create meaningful and valuable change in your organisation today!

David Griffiths

Keynote Speaker: David Griffiths, PhD is a popular international speaker, consultant, advisor and founder of K3-Cubed Limited. K3 is a University of Edinburgh Research & Innovation funded company, focused on consulting and benchmarking solutions for organisations facing challenges in the areas of Knowledge Management, Change Management and Transformational Leadership.
Harnessing the power of science for business, David has delivered over 125 engagement in 17 countries for some of the world’s best-known brands in sectors such as manufacturing, technology, energy, construction, pharmaceuticals, healthcare. David has also worked extensively in the public sector, including a UK Government briefing for the Department of International Trade on leadership in complex times.
David holds a PhD in Knowledge Management and an MSc in the Management of Training and Development, both from the University of Edinburgh. David is also a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
David has been consistently recognised as a worldwide influencer in the Knowledge Management field. David’s work has also won an Emerald Literati Network Award for Research Excellence. He has been listed as one of the top 10 Knowledge Management influencers in the world (“Top 100 names to know in KM”). His Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning project with the Indiana Certified Public Accountants Society (INCPAS) won a “best project” award at the Society of Association Executives Awards. David has won the prestigious Chartered Management Institute Management Article of the Year Award for his article on leadership, decision-making and change management in complex environments. His long-term KM project in the US also won a prestigious ASAE Power of ‘A’ Elite Summit Award for the CPA Centre of Excellence project , for impact on talent in American society.

Moderador: André Noronha (SBGC)

​Engenheiro mecânico pela UNICAMP e com MBA em Gestão Empresarial pela FGV, atua a 14 anos em industrias do setor aeroespacial. Possui solida experiencia em gestao de projetos, gestao do conhecimento e melhoria continua.
Atualmente lidera o programa de Gestao do Conhecimento na Engenharia da Collins Aerospace, uma das maiores fornecedoras de produtos aerospaciais e de defesa.

16h-17h30   - Trabalho Híbrido, Futuro do Trabalho e a competitividade que a GC traz

​​The last two years have been unprecedented in the history of human kind. While we talk about disruption and the many disruptions, the pandemic has been a disruption that impacted almost every human in the earth and continues to do so. Needless to say, we got impacted and that impact has been so deep that we are yet to understand the depth of it.
Practitioners in each stream of engagement have been trying to judge how the impact has been, what could be done to salvage the situation and align with the new changes that it has brought to ensure we get up and run and stay in contention.
One of the areas that the pandemic impacted has been the way we have been working. While the soothsayers talked of the ‘soon to come’ future of work, they never saw it come in like a tsunami and change everything. Future of work has arrived like a premature baby and now most organizations are grappling with how to handle it. Technology companies suddenly saw huge opportunity for which they were not ready, but are now scrambling to get the most out of it.
Meanwhile one more word got quietly added to this, ‘hybrid working’. Hybrid working and Future of work, essentially are two different elements but when seen together builds a world filled with organizations which will not be recognizable at all. The organizations are going through a fast-tracked evolutionary change.
In this scenario when all the basic concepts on which an organization is formed is getting questioned, what comes out is what defines an organization and ensure its long-time survival. The relevance of knowledge and how it defines an organization becomes clear in this context.

Dr. Randhir Reghunath Pushpa

Is the founder and chief consultant of ACIES Innovations. He has around 20 years of experience in Knowledge Management and has played key role in helping organizations leverage knowledge in an effective and efficient manner. He has worked extensively with organizations in areas related to employee productivity improvement, efficiency, effectiveness and continuous improvement.
He is an Alumni of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, where he did his PhD on Knowledge and Innovation management. He has an MBA and B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
Prior to forming ACIES Innovations, Randhir worked with Wipro Technologies, Unisys, HPE and DXC Technologies. He worked in the Innovation team and Knowledge management function in these organizations and also lead teams that developed AI driven tools.
He extensively blogs on Knowledge Management and focuses on evolving KM practices that are aligned towards helping organizations improve business performance and achieve goals.

Moderador: Dr.  André Felipe Henriques Librantz

Doutor em Ciências com 20 anos de docência no ensino superior e 13 anos como Diretor de Stricto Sensu nas áreas de Informática e Engenharia.

Programação sujeita a alteração sem aviso prévio.


Av. Paulista, 302 – Bela Vista, São Paulo – SP, 01310-000

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